How to Rekey Weiser Kwikset Smart Key Lock
Mr. Locksmith Burnaby (604) 239-0755
Rekey Weiser smart key lock:
How to Rekey the Weiser Smart Key Lock / Kwikset Smart Key Lock.
- Turn the working key 180 degrees,
- insert the reset tool in the slot next to the keyway until you hear the “click”
- remove the key,
- insert new key and unlock and lock.
Note: I do not recommend this lock, too easy to open with a simple tool.
Mr. Locksmith How to Rekey the Weiser Smart Key/Kwikset Smart Key Lock. Turn the working key 180 degrees, embed the reset device in the opening alongside the keyway until you hear the “snap” uproot key, embed new key and open and lock. Note: I don’t suggest this lock, too simple to open with a basically apparatus.
Note: How to Rekey Old Style Weiser Locks
Since the Weiser Smart Key Locks and the Kwikset Smart Key locks locksmiths have been defeating the locks with ease with little or no sign of damage. Several manufacturers sell tools to open the Smart Key locks in seconds. Also, Smart Key defeats are available for sale on the Internet. The major problem is with little or no training you can open the Smart Key lock with no visible damage to the lock. I can show almost any tool user how to defeat these locks with only 60 seconds of training. It takes months and years to learn how to pick a lock but only 60 seconds of training and 10 seconds to open a smart key deadbolt lock.
The Weiser Smart Key and Kwikset Smart key locks can be opened almost as quickly as you can put your key into the lock. Several manufacturers sell tools to open the Smart Key locks in seconds. The major problem is with little or no training you can open the Smart Key lock with no visible damage to the lock. Several years ago Youtube had videos on “How To” pick open a brand of bike lock with a pic pen. The manufacturer had stated the lock was “pick proof” and was forced by bad PR and lots of online videos to recall all the faulty bike locks. Their new and improved locks could no longer be picked quickly by amateurs. Most locks can be defeated and picked if you have been trained and practice every day for months or years, however, this video demonstrates how easy the Smart Key lock can be defeated by anyone.
Terry Whin-Yates BA (Hons) Criminology third Generation Locksmith at Mr. Locksmith has a few hands on locksmith preparing and web locksmith courses.

Rekey Weiser Smart Key Lock Burnaby