Go to http://www.mrlocksmith.com to learn more. Mr. Locksmith Tools Video: How to use Plug Spinners to Unlock Locks www.mrlocksmith.com . A vital tool for Professional Locksmiths is a plug spinner or lock flipper. A plug spinner is used can if a cylinder is picked in the wrong direction, or if picking requires the plug to be rotated in one direction and then flipped. Sometimes the lock because of wear or manufacturing it will be be easier to pick in one direction. The plug spinner will spin the plug when picked and move the lower pins across shear line without having any drivers drop into lower chambers. I have several plug spinners in my lock picking kit that will flip the plug to the opposite or unlocked position and they all accomplish the same task, but in slightly different ways. My favourite or every day plug spinner is the A1 Plug Spinner. It is durable and fits in my everyday pick case and I have a spare in my Lock Picking Kit. Join my Hands-on Locksmith Classes across Canada and the USA, Become a Locksmith, locksmith training. Terry Whin-Yates BA (Hons) 3rd Generation Locksmith http://www.mrlocksmith.com
Mr. Locksmith Tools Video: How to use Plug Spinners to Unlock Locks
July 8, 2015 by Leave a Comment
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