Pick Open Master Padlock with Lishi Tool | Mr. Locksmith Burnaby: A Lishi tool is a very good tool for locksmiths to use as it is a time-saving way of making replacement keys or opening locked cars. Lishi is also a style of lock picking technique that is very easy to learn compared to the […]
Add Ignition Key to a 2016 GMC Savana Van | Mr. Locksmith™ Blog
Add Ignition Key to a 2016 GMC Savana Van | Mr. Locksmith™ Blog Signup for my Locksmith On-Line Course “How to Pick Locks” at https://www.mrlocksmithtraining.com/product/how-to-pick-locks-online-course/ The 2016 GMC Savana requires a Transponder key, also called a “Chip Key.” To add another Transponder ignition key to the 2016 GMC Savana you must have one working key that […]
How to use the Lishi Kwikset Pick | Mr. Locksmith
How to use the Lishi Kwikset Pick | Mr. Locksmith For further info and to sign up for my new On-LIne “How to Pick Locks” Course go to Mr. Locksmith Burnaby The KW1 is for picking and reading 5 pin Kwikset locks and the KW5 is for 6 pin Kwikset picks. The KW1 and KW5 […]
Top 3 Electric Pick Guns | Mr. Locksmith™ Video
Top 3 Electric Pick Guns | Mr. Locksmith™ Video For further info and to sign up for my new On-LIne “How to Pick Locks” Course go to Mr. Locksmith Burnaby. There is a lot of electric picks to choose from. Also, lots of garbage out there. In my opinion, it boils down to these three, […]